Skincare in your 50’s and beyond.

In your 50s, the skin changes you noticed in your 40s become even more pronounced, with lines deepening due to slower cell turnover (45-60 days) and a significant decline in collagen production—by now, you could be producing 40-50% less collagen. Years of sun exposure compound the issue, leading to more sun damage, while the drop in estrogen causes a noticeable decrease in oil production, leaving the skin drier and more prone to wrinkles.

Menopause introduces its own set of skin challenges, including extreme dryness, sensitivity, rosacea, and even acne, particularly around the jawline. The neck and décolletage areas are especially prone to aging in your 50s, with the skin here being thinner, less protected from UV damage, and containing fewer oil glands. Conditions like poikiloderma—characterized by redness or pigmentation on the neck—often become more prominent. To treat this, sunscreen is essential, and a neck serum can help restore lost tone. IPL treatments are also highly effective for reversing sun damage and pigmentation.

By this age, your skin’s cell turnover rate can slow to 45-60 days, and in older individuals, it may stretch to up to 82 days. This leads to dull, dry skin, and wrinkles that appear deeper and more defined. Treatments like dermal needling, sqt bio-needling and home rolling are fantastic for increasing cell-to-cell communication and stimulating collagen production, keeping your skin looking radiant and functioning at its best.

One important factor to consider in your 50s is glycation. As we age, excess sugar in the bloodstream binds to proteins like collagen and elastin, forming Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs). These AGEs damage the skin’s structural proteins, leading to sagging, a dull, yellowish complexion, and deeper wrinkles, especially around the mouth, eyes, and neck. Combat glycation by incorporating antioxidant-rich products like Vitamin C, E, and Zinc, and focus on collagen-boosting treatments such as SQT bio-needling or IPL to help reverse the damage.

Skincare in Your 50s:

As your skin loses elasticity and moisture, it’s time to adapt your skincare to these changes. The key is hydration and nourishment. Look for richer, more emollient moisturizers that contain ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ceramides, shea butter, and essential fatty acids. If these feel too heavy, try layering with hydrating serums. Your skin can still benefit from retinol, which helps increase cell turnover and boosts collagen production. Incorporate a neck serum into your daily routine to address sagging and loss of tone.

At this stage, you should also focus on home care treatments that nourish and hydrate your skin while encouraging cell renewal. Home rolling combined with powerful serums will help with collagen stimulation.

Must-Have Skincare Products:

  • Creamy cleanser: Avoid harsh cleansers that strip the skin, opting instead for something gentle and hydrating.
  • Gentle exfoliation: Regular but mild exfoliation to encourage cell turnover and maintain radiance.
  • Sunscreen: Daily use is still non-negotiable! Apply it generously, especially to the face, neck, and décolletage.
  • Neck serum: Specifically formulated to improve firmness and elasticity in this delicate area.
  • Retinol: Still essential for boosting cell turnover and collagen production.
  • Home rolling: Encourages deeper absorption of serums and stimulates skin regeneration.

In-Salon Treatments:

Now, more than ever, professional treatments are key to maintaining youthful, radiant skin. Dermal needling, SQT bio-needling, and IPL are all excellent options for boosting collagen production, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and addressing pigmentation issues. Our Ultimate Aging Facial combines multiple techniques to target dryness, dullness, and loss of elasticity, giving you the best possible results. For detailed information on each treatment, speak to your therapist about which is best for you

With the right combination of at-home care and advanced salon treatments, you can maintain radiance, address the deeper signs of aging, and keep your skin functioning at its best well into your 50s and beyond.