IPL questions answered

Have you been wondering if IPL is for you?

We sat down with Kate our senior therapist and got her to answer all your burning questions.

IPL is an excellent option for people who want to address many of the signs of aging with one treatment. You can greatly improve fine lines, sun spots, redness, and dull skin.

It also addresses individual concerns such as scaring, pigmentation and rosacea.

IPL is fantastic at

-Smoothing out uneven skin tone,

-Treating broken capillaries,

-Removing pigmentation,

-Minimizing rosacea,

-Helping with fine lines and wrinkles, rejuvenating the skin by increasing collagen and elastin production

Is there downtime?

All ipl- redness for 2-24 hrs, It feels slightly sunburnt and can be itchy for 2-48hrs. It rare cases it can blister or burn (but this is why we do patch testing to minimise this)

Pigment- The pigment will get darker as it rises to the top, then crust and fall off. It is very important you don’t pick at this.

Is it painful?

It is uncomfortable, has a sting.

What should i do before each treatment?

No sun exposure for 4 weeks in area, no fake tan, relevant homecare, not Roacctunae (min 6mths off) must be using SPF daily and reapplying as needed. No prescription Vitamin A (retinol) for 5 days prior.

What do i need to be mindful of after each treatment?

No hot showers, hot baths, or bask in a hot tub or participate in any strenuous physical activity for 24-48 hrs.

How many treatments do i need to have and how often?

Depending on your concerns and how advanced the condition is it would be between 4-6 treatments. For pigmentation it is every 4 weeks, for vascular (redness) concerns it is every 7-14 days. 

Can i have it whilst i am there for my facial?

We can do it alone, in your facial or after, but not all our therapists are trained in IPL, but we will help book that in for you

Do you do hair removal?

We don’t do hair removal sorry.

Which is for me? IPL or Micro-needling?

IPL is a more selective treatment- capillaries, pigment etc, so has a better effect on uneven skin colour.

Needling is better for skin texture and can treat darker skins.

Together though you achieve smoother skin and more even skin colour, it is also great for more advanced ageing as it is more stimulating for collagen and elastin production.

How do I start?

You book in for a 30 min Consultation. It includes a consult form emailed out previously, before photos are taken, we do a fitzpatrick test (unfortunately IPL can only treat light to medium skin tones) an explanation of the process, answering questions you have and a patch test to get our safe treatment levels. Treatments are then anytime after 48hrs

How do i book?

You can book a consultation online or call/text the salon