Acne treatments. Get the honest answers you have been looking for.

At Shine Skin and Body, we’ve noticed how many of you feel completely at a loss when it comes to your skin. You’ve Googled every remedy imaginable (toothpaste on your pimples, anyone?), tried harsh products designed for oily or acne-prone skin that only left you red and irritated, and even sought help from doctors or dermatologists who prescribed antibiotics or, in some cases, Roaccutane.

But is there a better way? Let me share a story that might just give you the answers you’ve been looking for.

A Client’s Journey: Finding the Real Cause Behind the Breakouts

A client came to me after struggling with persistent breakouts for about 2.5 years, mainly on her cheeks. Her doctor had referred her to a dermatologist, and after trying antibiotics on and off for two years, the acne would clear up temporarily, only to come back worse than ever. Frustrated and unsure of what to do next, she visited her dermatologist again and was handed a prescription for Roaccutane, a powerful acne drug known for its long-lasting, and sometimes harsh, side effects.

In a last-ditch effort, she came to me, hoping to avoid taking the medication but feeling out of options. We sat down for a full skin consultation, diving deep into her history—everything from when the acne first appeared to medications, lifestyle, diet, hormones, skincare, and even make-up.

I had a hunch about what might be causing her breakouts, and after starting her facial and doing a detailed skin analysis, I confirmed it. The culprit? Her bronzer. Like many others, it contained talc, and the worst breakouts were concentrated right along her bronzer line. We did a thorough extraction, she switched to talc-free makeup, and after just one more facial, her skin cleared up completely.

All it took was a thorough consultation and a deeper look into her skincare routine and lifestyle habits—something that no amount of antibiotics or harsh acne medications had been able to fix.

Introducing the Discovery Facial: Your Personalized Skin Solution

This is why we’ve introduced our Discovery Facial, a one-time treatment designed to uncover the root cause of your skin concerns. During this treatment, we take the time to get to know you and your skin. We conduct a full skin analysis, asking the important questions about your diet, lifestyle, skincare routine, medications, and even the little details like your make-up choices.

But it doesn’t stop there. After your Discovery Facial, we create a tailored skincare plan that addresses your unique needs, helping you to achieve healthy, clear, and radiant skin long-term. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution—it’s a targeted approach, and it works.

No more guessing. No more harsh treatments. No more endless cycles of medications that provide temporary relief but don’t address the root problem. At Shine Skin and Body, we believe that the right solution comes from a deep understanding of your skin’s history and needs. And that’s exactly what the Discovery Facial offers.